Speakers: Dave Collins and Neil Lever

Company profile: Dave Collins and Neil Lever last gave a presentation to the Northern Centre IRTE back in 2009 and at that time, they were in uniform as the North-West Motorway Police Group Commercial Vehicle Unit. Since then, they’ve retired and after 32 years’ service, and now have their own company, Traffic Law Solutions Ltd and work successfully with some of the top Transport Solicitors and Barristers in the UK as Transport Consultants, having clients in Great Britain, Northern Ireland and Europe.

Corporate Partners of the SOE and providing Approved SOE Training, they conduct operator compliance reviews, produce reports and give evidence at Public Inquiries, investigations and analysis and transport management training. Helping operators to become fully compliant, hopefully, before getting attention from enforcement agencies and the Office of the Traffic Commissioner or picking up the pieces afterwards and getting operators back on the right path to success.

CPD Presentation topics: The speakers will share their experience of the transition into working closely with operators, conducting compliance reviews, sharing their findings and revealing the pitfalls of doing things wrong and give top tips to operators to become fully compliant and then stay compliant, particularly with regard to maintenance.