Join our in-person panel event on 30th July chaired by Robin Bates MSOE MBES, Membership, Registration, and Professional Standards Lead featuring speakers from Flixbus, Zurich, National Gas and others.  

Hear seasoned engineers share stories of career progression and the pathways they took, while industry and career experts who are at the forefront of guiding ambitious engineers through professional development will share valuable advice on shaping your own career pathway into progression.  

We’ll also take you through the significance of Professional Registration including a case study from a member who acquired their CEng status through SOE.  


Time Session
10:00am Welcome networking
10:15am - 10:30am Introduction by SOE and speaker introductions
10:30am - 10:45am Keynote: Engineering Career Possibilities
10:45am - 11:30am Panel discussion followed by Q&A - Career growth in engineering, role of professional registration
11:30am - 11:45am Case study: My journey to Professional Registration
11:45am - 12:00pm Closing remarks & key takeaways
12/12:30pm onwards Lunch 


Places are limited. If you're interested in the event but couldn't register, please drop us an email at [email protected] to join the waiting list. 

Who should attend:
This is an excellent opportunity for young engineers and apprentices to hear from experts. We'd also like to invite career consultants from universities/colleges and employers who have career development programmes to learn about supporting your students and employees respectively.