23 April 1947 - 15 October 2020
Robert McMillan, MSOE MIRTE Scottish Ayrshire Centre
Scottish Ayrshire Centre reported the sad death of Robert McMillan. Robert passed away on the 15 October 2020, following the onslaught of vascular dementia.
Robert started his apprenticeship in 1962 at the age of 15 with A&D Frasers, the Kilmarnock car dealership. His real passion was commercial vehicles and in 1969 he joined Rowallan Creamery as Transport Manager, maintaining a variety of milk collection and delivery vehicles. Robert then joined Strathclyde Council as Fleet Engineer for the Kilmarnock depot, helping design and oversee the building of the new garage. He went on to be Fleet Engineer of the newly formed Kyle and Carrick District Council, receiving the prestigious local authority Fleet Operator of the Year in 1973. Robert continued as Fleet Engineer with the Council until 1999, when he retired early due to ill health.
Robert was synonymous with the IRTE, and Scottish Ayrshire Centre in particular. He joined the IRTE in 1973 at the Scottish West Centre, before helping to found the Scottish Ayrshire Centre in 1989, with its inaugural meeting in the Towan Hotel.
He held numerous positions, including Chairman and Secretary, representing and developing the IRTE presence through the Scottish National Lecture and Display Committee and the Scottish Young Engineer Awards. In May 2019, Robert was joined by his family and the Committee for an SOE Dedicated Service Award for a remarkable 46-year service, a very fitting tribute for his dedication and stewardship.
Robert will be greatly missed by his family, many friends and acquaintances, some of whom showed their respect as Robert’s funeral cortege passed his home in Darvel, Ayrshire on the 26 October. The funeral and crematorium service were attended by close family and friends due to current restrictions.
He leaves behind his wife Sandra, daughter Heather and son Stuart and an extended family.

Robert (left) receiving an SOE Dedicated Service Award for his 46 years of work