18 October 1966 - 11 December 2020
Peter James Wells, MSOE MIRTE Northern Centre
The committee of the IRTE Northern Centre wish to share the sad news of the passing of Northern Centre member Peter James Wells.
Peter who stood down from the Centre Committee in February 2020, as a result of his long term battle with motor neurone disease, was a former Northern Centre Chairman, Vice Chairman and committee stalwart for 10 years.
The well respected engineering technician was a regional fleet engineer employed by the Riverside Truck Rental Group. He had been involved in the road transport industry all his working life, which started in the 1980’s when he undertook his apprenticeship. He worked with companies such as Ditchfield Transport, Wright’s, Millers of Longton (Millers Recovery) and Noblet Municipal during his time, as he called it, ‘on the spanners’.
In a fitting tribute to Peter, approximately 40 Lancashire based transport operators or associates accompanied him in a convoy of workshop service vans and commercial vehicles on his final journey. A vehicle of the Millers of Longton fleet took Peter from his home to the funeral service held at Charnock Richard Crematorium on 30 December 2020.
A number of tributes were read at the service, including one from Northern Centre Honorary Secretary Corneilius Mitchell, who gave an account of his time with the Centre. He also announced that, with the family’s seal of approval, the Centre Committee had unanimously decided that in future their Young Engineer of the Year Award, would be named in Peter’s honour.
The IRTE Northern Centre Committee would like to pass on their sincere condolences to his family and thank Peter for his service to not only the Northern Centre but also the road transport industry.
2nd picture left to right: Michael Sweetmore, Chris Grime, Peter Wells & Jack Miller.