19 May 1944 - 25 February 2021
John Parry, FSOE FIRTE
The Society of Operations Engineers is sad to announce the death of Society Fellow and former Director of IRTE John Parry.
Most recently John was the Chair of the irtec Steering Group, a Society board member and had been a major influence on the Society’s industry standard irtec initiative by instigating its relaunch in 2011, giving technicians recognition for their capabilities and changing the face of vehicle maintenance. John had also been an IRTE Services Board member.
Mick Sweetmore, Society President, said: “John always held a common sense, theoretical approach to his profession and was always available for help and advice for anyone who asked. He was instrumental in the success of irtec and was heavily involved in the steering group even in his retirement.
“John was one of the leading figures in road transport and was very well known, highly respected and an instantly recognisable, well-humoured man who will be sadly missed,” said Mick.
John enjoyed a long and distinguished career in road transport. An Engineering Director from 1985-2006 at Exel and Exel Logistics, one of the biggest fleets in the UK with 8,000 vehicles and 12,000 trailers, John started his own consultancy, JSP Consulting, in 2004, to work for clients on transport legislation, conformance and compliance.
Chris Grime, Chair of IRTE Services Ltd, said: “I have worked with John over many years developing irtec, the IRTE technician accreditation, and I will personally very much miss his friendship, support and contribution. John’s passion to make irtec the industry standard and make a positive contribution to road safety was evident throughout. Without his relentless determination, irtec would not be the huge success it has become.
“I was honoured and privileged when John asked me to be his successor in chairing the irtec Steering Group and will do my upmost to ensure that his legacy goes on well into the future,” added Chris.
John will be sadly missed by family, friends and colleagues.